漺б 'Ϲο(UDRC)' İΰ ϴ αݱ Ưȭ (İ 2004--2)μ Ϲ (RND)̴. Ϳ Ϲ ǰ߿ ʿ ü, ä, ü ǰ ϻȰ ͺ̽ ̳ʵ鿡 ϰ , ѱ ´ Ϲ ǰ 뼺 (Usability Test), ҽ м ϰ ִ. ü ؿ ޱ ü Ͽ Ϲ ΰġ ǰ ϰ , Ϲ Ȯ ǻ ϰ ִ. μ 'Ϲüð' ϻȰ Ϲ Ȱȭ ϴ پ θ ϰ ִ. UD(Universal Design)?
Ϲ̶, ' (Design for All)'̶ ϸ, ɰ ,(), ó Գ ϰ ϱ ǰ, ȯ, () ǹմϴ. 1. UDĢ Ϲ â ̱ γε ̽(RONALD L. MACE) Ϲ ɰ ɷ¿ Ȱڿ ( : the design of products and environments to be usable by all people, to the greatest extent possible, without the need for adaptation or specialized design)̶ ϰ 7 Ģ Ͽϴ. 1_ (Equitable) ̳ ҾȰ, ʰ ϰ Ѱ? 2_ 뼺 (Flexibility in Use) θų, پ Ȱȯ ǿ Ȯϰ Ӱ Ѱ? 3_ϰ (Simple and Intuitive) ֵ ϰ, ǵ ִ°? 4_ ִ (Perceptive Information) ϰ, Լ Ѱ? 5_ (Tolerance for Error) ϰ, ߸ ɿ · Ͱ Ѱ? 6_ (Low Physical Effort) ǹ ݺ̳, ʰ ڿ ڼ Ѱ? 7_ٰ (Size and Space for Approach and Use) ̵̳ ϰ, پ ü ڿ ̰ Բ Ѱ? ̿ Ϲ ǰ̳ ȯü ܿ ŭ ϸ, ٷ ȭ ģȭ(ǹ) ΰ ־ ο Ͻ â ȸ ϰ ֽϴ. ɻȸ ȭ, ű ȭ Ͽ ȸ , ġ پȭ Ǵ ȸ ־ Ϲ Ҿ ȸ ذ ʿ ̶ ֽϴ. 2. UD о
ϻȰ ִ Ϲ ̰ ƴ Ÿ(Bar-type) , ĵ Ѳ 빰 ǥ, ϴ ̳ ܱ (ٱ)ȳ ȣ, ä Ǫ ֵ (), Ѽ ս Է° ȭ , ǻͿ ־ ߸ κ ǵư Undo ֽϴ. μ ٷ ǰ þ ִ ֽϴ. Ϲ ġü ȯü ðȹ å̳ α ־ Ϲ , ǥر , Ա ¿ , Ƿ, , Ϲ о߰ ȮǾ Դϴ. ͵ ΰ ߽ ԵǾ ϴ Դϴ. ȸ å Ǿ ô뿡 Ϲ 츮 ־ ٽ غ ÿ 21 ȸ ߿ Ű尡 ǰ ֽϴ. 3. UD NCU The Center for Universal Design http://www.design.ncsu.edu/cud
Designing an Accessible World http://trace.wisc.edu/world/ KSU Universal Design http://www.ksu.edu/humec/atid/UDF/ National Center on Accessibility http://www.ncaonline.org/index.shtml Universal Design Education On-line http://www.udeducation.org/ Adaptive Environments http://www.adaptenv.org/ American Society on Aging(ASA) http://www.asaging.org The Usability Professionals' Association http://www.upassoc.org/ The Center for An Accessible Society http://www.accessiblesociety.org/index.shtml Universal Designers & Consultants http://universaldesign.com/ Usable Web Link http://usableweb.com/ ADA - Americans with Disabilities Act http://www.usdoj.gov/crt/ada/adahom1.htm The Access Board http://www.access-board.gov/index.htm Fair Housing Accessibility Guidelines http://www.hud.gov/library/bookshelf09/fhefhag.cfm Web AIM - Web Accessibility http://www.webaim.org/ Disability Solutions for Bath, Bedroom & Independent Living http://www.foryourconvenience.com/ ADAS - Furniture Solution of Universal Design http://www.ad-as.com/index_f.htm The Helen Hamlyn Research Centre - Inclusive Design http://www.hhrc.rca.ac.uk/ European Concept for Accessibility http://www.eca.lu/index.php ()Ѧϰ http://kyoyohin.org/korean/index.html Universal Design Forum http://www.universal-design.gr.jp/ Universal Design Consortium http://www.universal-design.co.jp/ Universal Design Network Japan http://www.udnj.org/ Ϲмȸ http://www.unifa.jp Ϲȸ(IAUD) http://www.iaud.net/ Ϲο(UDIT) http://www.udit.jp/ USABILITY - User Engineering Lecture http://www.usability.gr.jp/index.html Ϻȸ http://www.g-mark.org ī Ϲ http://www.pref.shizuoka.jp/ud UD21 http://ud.pref.kumamoto.jp/index_main.asp ̾ Ϲ http://www.pref.mie.jp/UD/HP/ ߸ġ Ϲ ൿħ http://www.pref.yamaguchi.jp/gyosei/shogai/13.htm ̾߱ Ϲ http://www.pref.miyagi.jp/t-fukushi/c/nanndarou/mokuji.htm Ÿ Ϲ http://www.pref.saitama.lg.jp/A02/BP00/universal/universaltop.html ø Ϲ http://www.pref.fukushima.jp/kenmin/u_d/ Ϲ νø ħ http://www.pref.hiroshima.jp/soumu/seisaku/ud/univer2/ νø Ϲȸ http://www.city.hiroshima.jp/toshikei/design/ud/ Toyota Universal Design Showcase http://www.megaweb.gr.jp/Uds/English/index.html The Design Center of Toyama http://www.toyamadesign.jp/english/universal.html ڷƼ http://www.ecomo.or.jp ΰȰп http://www.hql.or.jp/ 4. UD ü CRX(Collaboration for Research and exchange) Ʈ http://www.crx.gr.jp/
Toppan http://www.toppan.co.jp/ud/ ATC Ageless Center http://www.ageless.gr.jp/index.html Ϻϱȸ ϱ http://www.toys.or.jp/kyoyu/kyoyu.htm Universal Design Food http://www.udf.jp/what.html ̴Ź - Universalon http://www.mainichi.co.jp/universalon/ ϺIBM - User Interface Design Center http://www-6.ibm.com/jp/design/universal/index.html NEC http://www.nec-design.co.jp/nec-ud/ Fujitsu http://design.fujitsu.com/jp/universal/ VictorJVC http://www.jvc-victor.co.jp/ud/ Toshiba http://www.toshiba.co.jp/design/pr/ud/intro_j.htm TRIPOD DESIGN http://www.tripoddesign.com/ KOKUYO http://www.kokuyo.co.jp/eco_ud/ud/ TOTO http://www.toto.co.jp/ud/udlabo.htm INAX http://www.inax.co.jp/ud/ GOLD VIOLIN - shop https://www.goldviolin.com/ |