1. 330 Ÿ [2013-01-10 16:20] |
ȸ 쿡 2013 ʿ 330 ¦ Ÿ ȭ ǥϿ. ƺ(Bruno Aveillan) 2Ⱓ .. |
2. װ,2012 ! [2012-12-06 16:34] |
װ ɳ , 츮 ǰ ī Ҿ ְ !Ͼ ī ̷κ ۵ װ 'ɳ, ִ ' ķ, 11 30.. |
3. [2011-12-24 12:27] |
ȭǰ Ȱ ο ͷƼ(interactive) ķ ߴٰ . Ȱ ͷƼ ܼ μ , TV-CF ¸ پѾ Һڰ , ϰ.. |
4. Ÿ 濬ȸ 826Ϻ 漺б .. [2010-08-15 14:15] |
2010.08.26 ϴ 2010 λ걹(AD STARS 2010) ȸ ϳ ̷ ٴ ̵ ̵ ķ Ÿ 濬ȸ(YOUNG ST.. |
6. Ϻ ' ij μ' [2009-11-20 20:16] |
Ϻ 19 ָŰ ó ' ij ý'(SPS4 ̾ μϴ ) ڿ κ ҷŰ ִ.ڵ.. |
7. [2009-08-23 11:33] |
̱ ְ θƮ Ŭ(Entertainment Weekly) CBS TV Pepsi ȫϱ Ͽ 9 ȭ Ͽ Ѵ. ȭ .. |
8. ũƼ-ϱȹ, ĭ [2009-07-16 17:41] |
ũƼ(Creativia) (Listen) ķ 22 56ȸ 佺Ƽ ;Ƽ ι ̾ ִ ĭ θ ι.. |
9. ̵ 'Ѹ ŵθ' Ŭ.. [2009-05-27 00:39] |
忡 縦 ' Ʈ ͳų' ѱ ڼ(31) Ʈ (28) 12 (ð) 'Ѹ ŵθ'(What goes around come.. |
11. ¶ Ʈ [2009-04-10 17:32] |
Straight from the source. 忡 ٷ () 帳ϴ.>>breakingnews.ie Ϸ û, , ¶ ƮԴϴ. |
12. б [2009-04-10 17:23] |
Of course speaking another language helps your career. Who else kisses up to the boss in two different languages? ٸ ִ ¿ ˴ϴ. .. |
13. ȸ籤 [2009-04-10 17:17] |
What will it take to build a better world? Perhaps better furniture ؼ ʿұ? Ƹ Դϴ. |